experience, understand, feel in the Spirit Park

Spirit Park: Green Meetings und Outdoor Conferences near Vienna

Sustainable experiences, understanding and feeling in Lower Austria

walk and talk in the Spirit Park

50,000 m² Spirit Park

For outdoor conferences and events

dancefloor of the elementals


For exchanges of knowledge and experience

ritual at bonfire


Moments for eternity

yoga in the Spirit Park


at our relaxation spots

Open your heart. Experience the amazing effect of nature within the breathtaking surroundings of the Helenental Valley.


Our 50,000 m2 Spirit Park invites you on a voyage of natural discovery. This incredible park was developed in 2005 and was put together over many years in collaboration with the German landscape architect and landscape healer Johannes Matthiesen (1946-2015), many volunteers, students, school children and art- and nature lovers. With the lovingly designed relaxation spots we want to help people to achieve greater awareness and mindfulness on their developmental pathways.

Johannes Matthiessen once said: ”Man finds himself in nature and nature recognises itself within man. We have again reached a point where we need to embed ourselves in nature, learn from it, and fall in line with it.”

A Place of Encounters, Experiences and Togetherness

In the Spirit Park, we have more than 25 experience and craft areas that open up new possibilities for learning: Tipi, Fairy Tale, Planet Tree Circle, Eagle’s Nest, Balancing Garden,The Place of Four Winds, Ladder to Sky, and many more. Group work spaces on the south-facing conference terrace, in the pavillion and at the creek are the ideal settings for a free-flowing exchange of ideas.

The large area offered by the park is well suited for team activities and outdoor events, but also offers the opportunity for rest and relaxation. All along the wonderfully set out walking paths you will find relaxation spots with hammocks, seating areas, loungers and swings. 

green meeting Spirit Park outdoor seminar at creek Schwechat
tipi at Spirit Park
Spirit Park in the winter
"Wegerl im Helenental" in the Winter
campfire at the place of 4 winds

Stations and Usage Examples

In the 50,000 m² Spirit Park

This ladder sculpture offers patrons help with regards to the discussion of values and connectedness. It helps us to visualize the path to our goals and allows us to reflect on our learning successes with its steps, each inscribed with a different value: Rationality, Reason, Insight, Imagination, Intuition, Inspiration and Love. In this manner, the Ladder To The Sky helps to demonstrate human thought.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:





Spirit Park ladder to the sky

The labyrinth is one of humanity’s oldest symbols. Within the labyrinth, we see many aspects of our lives. It is convoluted, and can symbolize difficult situations, for which one must find resolutions. Encounters with fellow humans, and the way one deals with detours can be reflected in the labyrinth, or one can be led astray.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:






Spirit Park Labyrinth

While walking along the serpent mound, the winding curves can be used to reflect upon situations that have arisen over the course of a project, look back on and relive personal achievements, or to convey the stability and vivacity of personal values. 

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:




Creativity/Impact Values

Spirit Park serpent mound with torches

Everything in the universe, everything around us vibrates and has its own sound! Humanity sounds in very different tones, the animal world, the natural kingdom, everything sounds and brings itself into natural order through sound and vibration. In an order of harmony and joyful being. It is the tone that makes the music, the sound from the heart can show the difference. Is it a low or high sound, a lighter or a darker one? Everything sounds and vibrates in the here and now and forever. Joy and love sound in very fine vibrations. Express yourself with your personal sound and make the sound bodies made of stone and wood vibrate in this place.

Each and every totem has a different meaning. This spot can therefore be used to give each other feedback, to discuss values and to work on finding solutions. In the energy circle between the totems you can come together to recharge.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit





Spirit Park totem

Waters are soothing organisms. In this place of peace and stillness, participants can allow the water to work its magic on them, in order to then discuss how attentiveness, cordiality and relaxation can help in different situations. This area is also ideal as a group work space.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Spirit Park biotope

In the centre of this area you will find the 4 cardinal points. This area is well suited to show appreciation for one another, or to discuss qualities that are already present or could be used to work towards a particular goal.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Group Spirit



Spirit Park The Place of 4 Winds and Sounds

This special area works its magic differently for everyone. This spot could be used to discuss individual successes, to tell each other stories, or perhaps to help write a united story of success.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit Intuition/Reflection



Spirit Park Fairy Tale Place

Inside the tipi one can smoke a symbolic peace pipe - perhaps after having come up with a solution to a nagging problem, or maybe to help remember this solution when problems spring up later. Inside the enclosed tipi, values can be discussed or a simple group session can be transformed into something more by using this homely space.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:




Spirit Park tipi

From the Eagle’s Nest one sees the world with a different perspective. It can help to develop new solutions to problems, see your project or team with a new perspective, or even recognise and acknowledge new life themes. Afterwards, these new ideas and visions can be discussed as a group.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:




Spirit Park Eagle’s Nest

At the Fire Pit one reflects on the day’s happenings and relishes the memories of great conversations that have been had in nature. Or, one celebrates: loudly, long and memorably - perhaps with your own ritual?

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:




Spirit Park fire pit

Getting up on the balancing beam is a challenge. One learns to accept mistakes and how to integrate them, all while laughing and having a good time. The beam can also be your symbol for a united task, one that requires the whole team to overcome. Attentiveness of others is a must when faced with the balancing beam.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Group Spirit


balancing garden

While crossing the stream - with open or closed eyes, individually or together - the water has a particularly inspiring effect. Afterwards, the discussion can range from ongoing projects, individual wishes and needs, or even the simple act of listening to one another. There are spots along the riverbank that can be incorporated into your activities.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Group Spirit




Spirit Park Bridge Over The River

This space, with its rocks and translated writing symbols, invites you to discuss issues such as freedom and tolerance. It points you towards things you may have previously overlooked, and to discuss and reflect on these particular topics.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit



Spirit Park Asian garden

On the golden meditation stone in the water you think about concrete topics or problems alone. The individual experiences can be shared with the group afterwards.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit



Spirit Park Golden Meditation Stone

The Circular Tree Bench is a great place for exchanges. One can use the available sound-makers to give stories an acoustic emphasis, or one can use the bench as a tool along which to walk while sharing the most important phases of life and business with the rest of the group.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:



Spirit Park Circular Tree Bench

During the guided, western sweat lodge ceremony, you will have the opportunity to listen to your inner voice - with the purpose of finding personal visions and solutions, or to help you internalise your own values. The group shares this tight space with each other, so respect and mindful behaviour towards others is key.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:



Visions/Goals Values

Spirit Park campfire and sweatlodge

The amphitheatre gives participants a stage from which to share visions, wishes and values. The audience may listen with quiet attentiveness or show their enthusiasm with thunderous applause.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Group Spirit




Visions/Goals Values

Spirit Park amphi theater

These stones, with varying sizes, colours and orbits, help us to communicate. This backdrop can be used to discuss differing viewpoints and issues, difficulties and problems, but also to help find solutions to various problems. The blue stone pathway emboldens you to reflect on your own capabilities.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Group Spirit



Spirit Park Blauer Steinweg

These two character stones with differing lines and curves can support you in finding a way to handle your private or work life, and guide you in reflecting on a particular situation. As a group, they will help to elevate how you see yourself as well as others.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit



Spirit Park water spirit stone

The cheerful, dancing wooden figures are here to help inspire you, to help you discuss project participation and the projects themselves. They will help you to break free from rigid patterns and help you to develop answers to complex questions.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:


Group Spirit


What is the issue and how does one solve it? That’s the question that the Resting Totem poses. It encourages you to speak about unfulfilled values and proposed changes. Moreover, it is always essential and alleviating to let things go. This is the place to do that.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:





This way will lead you across varied footing. How do you react to that? It’s also an idea to walk with closed eyes while being led by others.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit


Boulders, trees and the spaces between them act as helpers in reflecting on group roles, to discuss progress on certain projects, and to discuss much needed freedoms.

Ideal for exercises relating to the following themes:

Group Spirit

